Участие в тендерах для новичков

Определение понятия и виды

Тендер – это своего рода конкурсный отбор, который проводят среди поставщиков товаров или лиц, предоставляющих услуги.

Несомненный плюс такого выбора в том, что потребители или их представители могут выбрать лучший вариант из множества представленных. Минус в том, что стать участником тендера не так уж просто, особенно новичкам.Тендер может быть платным, бесплатным, открытым и закрытым.

С чего начать тендер

Участие в тендерах: с чего нужно начать работу?

Если речь идет о тендерном отделе, то сложность прежде всего состоит в том, чтобы выбрать проект и заказчика. Для начала нужно рассмотреть требования к заказу и узнать как можно больше о самом заказчике.

Это делается посредством изучения специально-созданных тендерных площадок, сайтов в интернете или бумажных материалов, если они предоставлены потенциальным заказчиком.

Для того чтобы рабочий процесс был максимально эффективным, необходимо правильно распределить обязанности.

Обычно условия рассматриваются одним человеком, знающим, в идеале, основы юриспруденции. Знания законодательной базы помогут определить честность заказчика и справедливость его требований.

При участии в торгах необходимо придерживаться следующих рекомендаций:

  • Лучше не распыляться, пытаясь изучить весь предложенный список тендеров, а посетить площадки, которые делят заказы по сферам и тематикам. Так вы сразу будете знать, подходит ли тендер сфере деятельности именно вашего отдела.
  • Не стоит хвататься за первый попавшийся заказ. Внимательно изучите условия, материальное вознаграждение и срок, отпущенный на подготовку. Если условия приемлемы, можно связаться с компанией-заказчиком и выяснить все интересующие моменты. Только после этого заказ может быть принят к исполнению.

Тендер для начинающих

Новички часто испытывают трудности не только при поиске заказа, но и непосредственно при работе над ним. Лучше всего начать с небольшого «бюджетного» заказа. Лучше всего обратиться к профессионалу, который поможет разобраться в тонкостях контрактов и не остаться в долгу.

Определение участника госзакупок

Третья статья закона о контрактной системе регламентирует выбор и осуществление поставок товаров и услуг для нужд государства.

УчастникиУчастники в тендере

  • Государственные органы власти (исполнительной), которые занимаются регулировкой закупок.
  • Другие органы исполнительной власти, в том числе местные, которые имеют право осуществлять контроль закупок.
  • «Росатом» — компания, занимающаяся атомной энергетикой.
  • Заказчики.
  • Исполнители.
  • Специально созданные организации.
  • Представители электронных площадок.

Участником называется звено процесса закупки, которое может быть представлено юридическим или физическим лицом (даже И.П).

Государственным заказчиком выступает один из органов власти или госучреждение, которое имеет право действовать от имени Российской Федерации (ст.5 третьего закона о контрактной системе).

Поиск тендера

Поиск тендера – это этап, без которого не обойтись исполнителю. Процесс включает в себя определенный порядок действий и его результат зависит от качества распределения обязанностей и их выполнения.

Основным источником заказов есть сеть «Интернет», где расположены сайты как частных заказчиков, так и те, что предлагает государство. Большинство таких площадок рассчитано на работу с предпринимателями и имеют ограниченный доступ.

Найти хороший тендер непросто, добиться участия в нем – еще сложнее, поэтому этап поиска можно считать одним из самых важных на пути к достижению цели.

Опытные поисковики тратят меньше времени на поиск и отбор, а вот новичку придется сложно. В день приходится пересматривать 10-15 площадок.

Получение электронной подписи

Электронная подпись – это то, без чего не обойтись ни заказчику, ни исполнителю. Она представляет собой определенный объем информации с прикрепленной к ней подписью в электронном виде.

О том, как получить подпись можно узнать в Законе «Об электронной подписи» от 6.04.11. Закон предполагает развитие и расширение инфраструктуры электронного бизнеса. На данный момент существует три вида подписей:

  1. Простая.
  2. Усиленная.
  3. Квалифицированная.

Владелец такого вида подписи может как получать, так и предоставлять услуги, для которых необходима идентификация личности согласно действующему законодательству.

Для ее получения нужен паспорт и свидетельство из Пенсионного фонда. Теоретически услуга бесплатна, но пользователю все же придется оплатить небольшой взнос за электронный носитель.

Для того чтобы оформить услугу, нужно обратиться в сервисный центр и предоставить перечень бумаг.

Подготовка документов:

  • Паспорт.
  • Свидетельство из ПФ.
  • E-mail адрес.

Отсутствие хотя бы одной бумаги является причиной отказа в получении подписи.

Аккредитация на электронной площадке

ФЗ 44Электронная торговая площадка – это один из видов аукционов в сети, которые проводятся опираясь на 44-й Федеральный Закон от 1 января 2011.

Каждый участник имеет так называемый личный кабинет, доступ к которому получают после прохождения аккредитации. Аккредитация позволяет принимать участие в аукционах и тендерах на различных площадках.

Примечательно то, что каждый сервис предполагает прохождение аккредитации независимо от того, была ли она пройдена на других сайтах или нет.

Обязательные условия

  • Предоставление достоверной информации.
  • Гарантия выполнения заказа.
  • Наличие нормативных документов, подтверждающих статус физического или юридического лица.
  • Внесение страхового взноса.
  • Неразглашение информации о заказе и заказчике.

Выбор способа определения поставщика

После того как тендер опубликован заказчиком, начинается выбор исполнителя. Победителем становится тот, кто больше всего соответствует заявленным условиям.

Конкурс считается полноценным, когда в нем участвует 2 и более конкурента. В случае несостоявшейся конкуренции, заказчик оставляет за собой право продлить тендер или выбрать единственного претендента.

Изучение документации и подготовка заявки

Исполнитель обязан полностью изучить документацию и условия, которые выдвигает заказчик, прежде чем стать участником тендера. Нужно быть уверенным, что для выполнения задания достаточно технических, материальных и интеллектуальных средств.

Новичкам лучше всего обратиться за помощью к профессионалам, которые расскажут им от возможных «подводных камнях» в заявках. Неправильно заполненная форма участника редко подлежит корректировке, что может полностью перечеркнуть участие в желанном проекте.

Федеральный Закон №44 регламентирует требования к характеристикам продукта, указанным в анкете. Все должно быть расписанное четко, без недомолвок и преувеличений, а главное, объективно. Заказчик может использовать товарный знак если:

  • Отсутствует альтернативный способ обеспечения безукоризненное описание предмета закупки;
  • Есть необходимость при выполнении работ использовать товары, не внесенные в контракт.

Существует необходимость проверки документов, которые подтверждают соответствие показателей закупаемого товара или продукта с требованиями заказчика. В данных бумагах должны присутствовать как минимальные, так и максимальные показатели допустимой ошибки.

Нельзя указывать в требованиях к закупочной документации такие пункты:

  • Производитель определенного товара.
  • Личные предпочтения к участнику процесса закупки.
  • Гарантия наличия и исправности техники, которая создает или перевозит товар.

2 ошибки, которые НЕЛЬЗЯ совершать при подаче заявки

Участие в аукционе и привлечение для этого средств

Для того чтобы стать участником тендера, необходимо иметь на счету определенную сумму денег, которая служит залогом. В случае победы в конкурсе и отказа от участия, залог не возвращается.

Есть еще несколько условий, без которых невозможно бороться за победу:

  • После внесения на электронный аккаунт сумы от 0.5 до 5% от заявленной суммы контракта.
  • Альтернативой внесению денег служит использование заемных денег. Несомненным плюсом такого вида оплаты можно считать то, что средства остаются в обороте и не извлекаются из бизнеса. Заем дает возможность принимать участие сразу в нескольких тендерах.
  • Оформить анкету, внеся всю необходимую информацию о предоставляемых участником услугах.

Благодаря Закону №44, с 31 марта 2014г в России функционирует реестр гарантий банковских услуг. В него вносят все кредитные организации, которые занимаются выдачей гарантий банковских выплат и финансовому обеспечению государственных выплат.

Правительство России контролирует порядок сопровождения государственных контрактов, поэтому оно запрашивает наличие реестра каждого участника конкурса.

Все условия для оформления реестра можно узнать в Банке России, он также опубликован на сайте Министерства финансов РФ. Нарушители условий реестра попадают в черный список сроком от двух лет.

Заключение контракта и его обеспечение

После победы в конкурсе и оплаты страхового взноса, исполнитель может приступить к исполнению своих обязанностей. В случае когда сумма контракта оценивается больше чем в 50 млн. рублей, заказчик обязуется установить страховку равную 10-30% от максимальной стоимости контракта.

Если размер аванса на 30 или более процентов больше чем максимальная стоимость контракта, страховка приравнивается к авансу.

Если заказчик снизил оплату после окончательного выбора исполнителя более чем на 20%, администрация платформы применяет меры, описанные в статье 37 Закона №44.

Если сумма контракта менее 50 тысяч рублей, вместо торгов можно провести запросы ценовых котировок, где годовой размер закупок не превышает 10% общего дохода заказчика.

Посмотрите подробный вебинар по участию в тендерах

Классификация тендера

Существует три основных вида тендеров, которые можно встретить на всех тематических площадках.


Виды тендеровОткрытый вид тендера находится в свободном доступе, то есть участвовать могут все желающие (физические и
юридические лица). Выгода заказчика в данном типе конкурса состоит в том, что он имеет широкий выбор исполнителей и может найти выгодный вариант. Чаще всего такие тендеры размещены в виде объявления в интернете.


Закрытый тендер подразумевает ограниченный круг исполнителей. Чаще всего такой конкурс объявляют крупные компании, которые уже имеют опыт работы с приглашенными исполнителями. Закрытые тендеры оцениваются дороже открытых.

Закупка у единственного источника часто выгодна для заказчика по ряду причин, поэтому некоторые заказчики предпочитают именно этот вид тендера.


Двухэтапный конкурс объявляют для специфических товаров и услуг. На первом этапе заказчик принимает предложения без указания цены, а на втором – уточняет все условия для тех, кто прошел первый отборочный тур. На этом же этапе исполнители предлагают цены за свои услуги и вносят некоторые коррективы в требования.

Выбор площадки и тематики

Как заказчики, так и исполнители выбирают площадки методом проб и ошибок. Существуют сайты на которых выкладывают и государственные, и частные заказы различных тематик. Для того чтобы выбрать подходящий вариант, достаточно ввести ключевые слова в специально отведенном для этого поле.

Хорошая площадка должна обязательно требовать документы, подтверждающие личность и предоставлять возможность кредитования.

Успешным торгам можно научиться

Профессионалы знают, что победа в тендере приходит с опытом. Зная все нюансы, исполнитель может с легкостью обойти все трудности и отбросить на задний план всех конкурентов.

В процессе работы всегда полезно посещать тематические форумы и совершенствовать теоретические знания. Семинары и консультации более опытных специалистов позволят продвинуть бизнес на несколько шагов вперед в короткие сроки.



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    • BicAmidesk
      BicAmidesk 28 августа, 2022, 23:38

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    • Gogtintyfc
      Gogtintyfc 1 сентября, 2022, 23:24

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    • Gogtintyow
      Gogtintyow 1 сентября, 2022, 21:47

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    • Gogtintyke
      Gogtintyke 1 сентября, 2022, 21:51

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    • Gogtintyev
      Gogtintyev 1 сентября, 2022, 19:18

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    • Gogtintyss
      Gogtintyss 1 сентября, 2022, 12:39

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    • BicAmidelo
      BicAmidelo 28 августа, 2022, 18:07

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    • BicAmidemx
      BicAmidemx 28 августа, 2022, 17:45

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    • BicAmidefa
      BicAmidefa 28 августа, 2022, 23:55

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  54. SapHaits
    SapHaits 29 июня, 2022, 12:15
    • Gogtintyht
      Gogtintyht 1 сентября, 2022, 15:40

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    • BicAmideeq
      BicAmideeq 28 августа, 2022, 19:33

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    • BicAmidekc
      BicAmidekc 28 августа, 2022, 09:03

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    • BicAmidewz
      BicAmidewz 28 августа, 2022, 00:54

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    • Gogtintyrz
      Gogtintyrz 1 сентября, 2022, 14:38

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    • BicAmidekp
      BicAmidekp 27 августа, 2022, 23:09

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    • BicAmidemv
      BicAmidemv 27 августа, 2022, 22:14

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    • BicAmidelm
      BicAmidelm 29 августа, 2022, 00:16

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    • Gogtintywx
      Gogtintywx 2 сентября, 2022, 01:52

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    • BicAmidenn
      BicAmidenn 28 августа, 2022, 08:46

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    • Gogtintyky
      Gogtintyky 1 сентября, 2022, 22:06

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  55. FordFunk
    FordFunk 1 июля, 2022, 07:04
    • Gogtintytl
      Gogtintytl 1 сентября, 2022, 21:21

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    • Gogtintygv
      Gogtintygv 1 сентября, 2022, 11:04

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    • BicAmidevx
      BicAmidevx 28 августа, 2022, 13:07

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    • Gogtintylz
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    staying fit and healthy.”

    Ꮃhen Amazon decided tߋ add a health and wellness category, Goulpd ѡas ɑlready positioned to place
    more tһan 150 brands and even mοгe products onto thе virtual shelves the online giant was adding eveгʏ day
    in the earⅼy 2000s.

    “I mеt Jeff Fernandez, ԝho wɑs on thhe Amazon teram
    thst ᴡas buyilding the neѡ category fгom tһe ground up,” Gould ѕaid.
    “І also had contacts in the health and wellness industry,
    ѕuch aѕ Kenneth E. Collins, who was vice president оf operations
    fоr Muscle Foods, ᧐ne of thе largest sports nutrition distributors іn tһe world.

    Gould ѕaid tһіs “Powerhouse Trifecta” сould not һave aѕked for a better synergy
    between the thгee ⲟf them.

    “Тһis waѕ caqpitalism аt its best. Amazon demanded new high-quality dietary supplements, аnd we supplied them ѡith
    more thn 150 brands and products,” һе added.

    Ƭhe “Powerhouse Trifecta” wοrked out so well tһat Gould eventually hired Fernandez tο work fοr NPI, ᴡһere he is noԝ president οf tthe
    company, and Collins, ԝho is tһe neew executive vice
    president ߋf NPI.

    “Ꮤe ѡork ԝell togetheг,” Gould аdded.

    Fernandez, ѡho aⅼso wοrked аs a buyer for Walmart, ѕaid the thгee of them һave close tto
    75 years of retail buying and selling experience.

    “NPI clients benefit fгom our years of knowledge,” Fernandez ɑdded.

    Gould sаiɗ product manufacturers arre սnlikely to find tһree professionals ᴡith օur
    experience representing retailers ɑnd brands.

    “We knoԝ what brands ned to do, and we understand
    ԝаt retailers wɑnt,” Gould sɑiⅾ.

    After hiѕ success with Amazon, Gould founded NPI and olidified һis placе iin tһе dietary supplement ɑnd health and wellness sectors.

    “Ιt wɑs time to concentrate οn health products,” Gould ѕaid, adding that hee has
    workedd wіth more tһan 200 doestic ɑnd international brands that wаnted to launch
    new products ߋr expandd their presence in thee largest consumer market іn tһe ѡorld: thhe United States.

    “As I visited the corporate headquarters ᧐f ssome օf thе largeest retailers in the
    wߋrld, I realized thɑt international brands weren’t Ƅeing represented inn American stores,” Gould ѕaid.
    “I realized tһese companies, especially the international
    brands, struggld to gaikn a foothold in American retail

    Ꮃhen Gould surveyed tһе challenges confronting internatiional product manufacturers,
    һe visualized a solution.

    “They ᴡere burning tһrough teens of thousands
    оf dollars tо launch theiг products,” Gould
    said. “By thee time they sold their first unit, they hadd eateen ɑway at tһeir profit margin.”

    Gould ѕaid the biggest challenge ԝas learning twߋ new
    cultures: America and Wall Street.

    “Thеy dіdn’t understand the American consumers, ɑnd tһey Ԁidn’t
    knoѡ hοw American businesses operated,” Gould ѕaid. “Thаt is where I ϲome in with NPI.”
    To provide tһe foreeign companies with tһe business support they needed, Gould
    developed һis lauded “Evolution ⲟff Distribution” platform.

    “Ι brought together everytһing brand needed to launch tһeir products
    in thе U.S.,” һe said. “Instead oof opening a neѡ office inn America, Ι maⅾe NPI thеir headquarters in the U.Տ.

    Since I already һad a sales staff in place, thеy didn’t hɑve to
    hire a sales team with support staff. Іnstead, NPI diɗ it fоr them.”

    Gould sɑid NPI supplied evewry service tһat brands needeed to sell products іn America ѕuccessfully.

    “Ѕince many of these products neeԁeԁ FDA approval, I hkred a food scientist ѡith more tһan 10 years experience tо streamline tһe approval оf tһe products’ labels,
    ” Gould ѕaid.

    NPI’s import, logistics, аnd operations manager worked with new cliernts to maкe sure shipped sammples dіdn’t end up in quarantine by
    tһe U.S. Customs.

    “Our logistics team һas decades ߋf experience impoting new products into
    the U.Ѕ. to our warehouse аnd tһen shipping tһеm to retail buyers and retailers,” Gould ѕaid.
    “NPI offеrs a օne-stop, turnkey solution tⲟ
    import, distribute, ɑnd markt neᴡ products in the U.Ѕ.”

    To provide aⅼl the brands’ services, Gould founded ɑ new company, InHealth
    Media, tߋ market the brands to consumers аnd retailers.

    “I saw the companies wasting thousands οff dollars on Madison Avenue martketing
    ccampaigns tһat failed to deliver,” Gould ѕaid.

    Іnstead оf outsourcing marketing to costly agencies oor building ɑ marketing team
    from scratch, InHealth Media works synergistically ᴡith itѕ sister company, NPI.

    “InHealth Media’smarketing strategy іs perfectly aligned
    witһ NPI’s retail expansion plans,” Gould ɑdded. “Together, we import, distribute, аnd market neᴡ products acrosѕ the country Ƅy emphasizing spewed tⲟ market
    at ɑn affordabble ⲣrice.”

    InHealth Media гecently increased іts marketing efforts byy adding national аnd rgional TV promotion to its services.

    «Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers,» Gould
    ѕaid. «Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.

    Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.

    “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.

    “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”

    NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.

    “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”

    Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.

    “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.

    During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..

    “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.

    Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”

    “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”

    Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.

    “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”

    For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit nutricompany.com.

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    By Nidhi Verma and Nupur Anand New Delhi, Sept 19 (Reuters) — Top lender State Bank of India has asked exporters to avoid settling deals with Bangladesh in the dollar and other major currencies as it
    looks to curb exposure to Dhaka’s falling reserves, according
    to an internal document and a source. Bangladesh’s
    $416-billion economy is battling rising prices of energy and food as
    the Russia-Ukraine conflict widens its current account deficit,
    and dwindling foreign exchange forces it to turn to global lenders such as the International Monetary Fund
    (IMF). «The country is facing a shortage of foreign currency due to higher import bills and weaknesses of Bangladeshi taka against dollar in recent times,» the SBI said in an Aug.

    24 letter sent to its branches and seen by Reuters. The letter and
    its contents have not previously been reported. The SBI did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking
    comment. The decision not to increase exposure to the dollar and
    other foreign currencies in relation to Bangladesh stemmed from the current economic situation and
    the neighbouring nation’s shortage of foreign currency, the bank
    said in its circular. «However exposure in Indian rupee (INR) and taka will continue,» it added. Bangladesh’s
    foreign exchange reserves declined to $37 billion by Friday from $48 billion a year earlier, according to data from the central bank, which provides import cover of
    just five months. Finance ministry officials have said Bangladesh is seeking a
    $4.5 billion loan from the IMF, in excess of its maximum entitlement of $1 billion under the IMF Resilience and
    Sustainability Trust. A source familiar with the matter said SBI did not want to increase its exposure
    to Bangladesh. «We have an approximate exposure of $500 million to Bangladesh and have taken the decision not to grow it further aggressively, and maybe, even reduce it as needed, with the news surrounding the economy,» added
    the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Bangladesh is just one of India’s neighbours
    in financial distress. The island nation of
    Sri Lanka is grappling with a financial crisis as its central bank reserves stand at just $1.7 billion at a time of
    galloping inflation and severe shortages of food and
    fuel that sparked protests and a change of government. And Pakistan’s
    central bank reserves of $8.6 billion are sufficient for just about a month
    of imports. TRADE IN LOCAL CURRENCY Bangladesh wants to cut
    dependency on the dollar, commerce minister Tipu Munshi said last week, and it does not see
    a problem in dealing in local currencies. Speaking at an event in Dhaka, he was responding to a query on the
    growing focus on local currency trade, and added
    that the finance ministry was looking at ways to
    do this. However, the Bangladesh central bank’s executive director, Serajul Islam, told Reuters, «No such decision has been taken yet,»
    in reference to trade in local currencies with India.
    Last week, the Bangladesh central bank freed up banks
    to do transactions in Chinese yuan, so as to enable trade with China. Last month,
    rating agency Standard & Poors affirmed its stable outlook rating
    for Bangladesh, saying it expected its external position to stabilise
    within a year. However, the agency said it might lower the ratings on Bangladesh
    if net external debt or financing metrics worsen further as higher
    commodity prices and strong imports could add to weakening in the taka and
    drain foreign exchange reserves. «Despite its moderate net debt position, the Bangladesh government’s interest burden is considerable,» the agency
    added. «Its foreign currency-denominated debt, though predominantly borrowed from multilateral and bilateral sources, is subject to exchange rate risk.» An Indian textile exporter, who asked not to be identified, said banks and
    importers in Bangladesh were not willing to trade in rupees, however, and
    preferred the taka currency instead. Also, India has not yet clarified
    if exports denominated in rupees will receive the same benefits as those in dollars, he said. «SBI’s circular is very alarming, as they have said not to take exposure on Bangladesh exports,» the exporter added. «Bangladesh is a major trading partner and if a premier bank like SBI does not take exposure, how will the trade grow? It is going to go down.» India´s exports to Bangladesh rose 17.5% to
    $4.94 billion in the period from April to July, or the first four months of the fiscal
    year to March 31, 2023, while imports were up about 11% at $580.7 million, government data showed.

    (Reporting by Nidhi Verma and Nupur Anand; Additional reporting by Manoj Kumar and Rajendra Jadhav in India
    and Ruma Paul in Bangladesh; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

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    Leslie McDonagh leaving Manchester Magistrates’ Court where he received a fine and unpaid
    work for being drunk and disorderlyA customer was arrested at a McDonald’s restaurant after he dialed 999 to complain kitchen staff had put
    onions in his Big Mac.Insurance worker Leslie McDonagh,
    53, called emergency services and told the operator he had got the ‘wrong meal’ and could not eat onions due to a ‘severe allergy.’When officers arrived at the Oxford Road
    branch in Manchester city centre they found McDonagh had also challenged the
    restaurant manager to a fist fight.When police asked him to leave, he fell to
    the floor then grabbed an officer’s leg as they attempted to get him
    to his feet.He then spat in the PC’s face as he was being
    escorted out of the premises.McDonagh, from Atherton, had left a works party early to meet his
    wife for their wedding anniversary but went into McDonald’s restaurant for a snack on his
    way home.He claimed to have drunk six cans of lager in the run up
    to the incident.At Manchester Magistrates’ Court McDonagh admitted assault by
    beating of an emergency worker and being drunk and disorderly in a public place. He was ordered to complete a 12-month community order plus 120 hours unpaid work.

    He was also fined £190.The incident took place at around
    10.30pm on December 21, the evening dubbed ‘Mad Friday’ — one
    of the busiest nights of the year which sees thousands of workers celebrating finishing work
    for the Christmas period. McDonagh, from Atherton, had left a works party early
    to meet his wife for their wedding anniversary but went
    into McDonald’s restaurant for a snack on his way homeProsecutor
    Paul Sumner said: ‘The defendant stated that he got given onions on his burger and he
    wasn’t happy with it so there had been a disagreement. ‘He asked the
    manager outside for a fight. RELATED ARTICLES

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    ‘The defendant called the police himself. Police informed him that his
    food order being incorrect was not a valid reason to call them and they requested him to leave.’They tried to escort him out of the premises, he’s fallen to the floor and attempted to grab
    hold of the legs of the officer. ‘The police
    then were able to hold the defendant by his arms in the scuffle and escort him out of the
    store.’  When officers arrived at the Oxford Road branch in Manchester city centre they found McDonagh had also challenged the restaurant
    manager to a fist fightIn mitigation defence lawyer Claire Parrot said: ‘It wasn’t just an argument about the order being wrong, the defendant has severe allergies.’He
    specifically asked for something to not be in his food
    and it was.

    That is how this started. ‘He left early because that
    night was his wedding anniversary. He had this argument
    about his food and thought McDonald’s did not deal with it appropriately.
    Of course he now realises that this was not a police matter.

    He called them as did the McDonald’s staff.’His memory of the incident
    isn’t complete but he was quite clearly utterly embarrassed and ashamed.
    This was not a planned attack on the officer, he says that he’s not a violent person.’ Metropolitan Police
    said emergency call handlers fielded 21,733 unnecessary 999 calls between January 1 and November 30 last year. One called to say they were outraged that KFC
    had run out of chicken while others moaned about breakfasts not
    being served quickly enough.

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  1489. Aurora
    Aurora 29 сентября, 2022, 03:28

    The Queen’s children were wrestling with different
    emotions as they stood guard over their mother’s coffin during the
    vigil in Edinburgh tonight, a body language expert has claimed.  After a short procession, King , Anne,
    the Princess Royal, and each stood on one of the four corners of the oak coffin with their heads bowed.But while all four siblings stood in a broadly similar way, their facial expressions
    hinted at the internal struggles they were facing during the deeply
    poignant moment at St Giles’ Cathedral.Prince Andrew
    looked ‘pained’ while might have been trying to fight
    back tears.   The Queen’s children were each trying to communicate different
    emotions as they stood guard over their mother’s coffin during the vigil in Edinburgh
    tonight, a body language expert has claimed.

    Prince Charles was the picture of ‘firmness and resolve’
    with his straight brow (above) Meanwhile ‘Anne’s brows were
    raised high above her downcast eye gaze,’ Judi said, as seen above.

    ‘This is often performed in an attempt to avoid tears that can occur more easily when the eyes are squeezed
    shut but the look also seemed to imply an ongoing disbelief’
    Prince Andrew’s brows were lowered to the ground, giving him a ‘pained expression’, according to

    The Duke of York, pictured, joined his siblings at the vigil tonight’Anne, Charles and Andrew all had very
    different facial expressions of reflection and grief,’ Judi
    James said in an interview with FEMAIL. ‘Charles’s features had a
    more horizonal set to them, suggesting a desire for firmness and resolve.

    Andrew’s brows were in a deep frown that gave his lowered eyes a rather pained expression.

    Share this article

    ‘Anne’s brows were raised high above her downcast eye gaze. ‘This is often performed in an attempt to avoid tears that can occur more easily when the eyes are squeezed shut but
    the look also seemed to imply an ongoing disbelief about the
    loss of her mother.’Judi explained that the King appeared in good spirits as he stepped out of the car with
    his wife Camilla, the Queen Consort, ‘but once inside the cathedral his mood seemed
    to change’.  Judi explained that the King appeared in good spirits as he
    stepped out of the car with his wife Camilla, the Queen Consort, ‘but once inside the cathedral his mood seemed
    to change’ The King appeared somewhat ‘fretful’,
    pictured, and turned twice to look back at his brothers,
    Edward and Andrew, who followed in from behind ‘Charles’s reflective pose and
    the way he pulled up to full height suggested he was steeling himself,’ Judi said.

    Pictured, Charles taking his place next to his mother’s coffinThe
    King appeared somewhat ‘fretful’ and turned twice to look back at his brothers,
    Edward and Andrew, who followed in from behind.  She
    continued: ‘The four siblings then adopted the formation they would be doing their vigil
    in and it might have been Charles’s expectation that they would walk
    in a line instead.’When they reached the coffin Anne’s eye expression looked hollow as she gazed close-up
    before turning her back on it. ‘Charles’s reflective pose and the way he
    pulled up to full height suggested he was steeling himself before all four adopted the vigil pose with heads down and
    hands clasped in front.’ The Duke of York kept his
    eyes closed for a period of time during the vigil, while
    the Princess Royal and Earl of Wessex had their eyes
    fixed towards the floor  Members of the public — who have
    been filing past the coffin in their thousands throughout the afternoon — continued to file past
    as the royals stood completely stillThe King and
    his family stood alongside four suited members of the
    Royal Company of Archers, who were standing guard dressed in long-feathered hats and armed with arrows and quivers.Members of the public — who have been filing
    past the coffin in their thousands throughout the afternoon — were briefly held back to allow the royals to take their place.

    However, they continued to file past once the vigil began, offering them an extraordinary perspective on the historic moment.A number of members of the public bowed as they
    passed the King, with others walking solemnly by with heads down. Charles wore the Prince Charles Edward Stuart tartan and white heather in his
    lappelle from Balmoral, while Anne and Edward appeared in military uniform.
    King Charles III, Anne, the Princess Royal, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward each stood on one of the four corners of the coffin in a
    ceremony known as the Vigil of the Princes  The King kept his hands joined and
    also looked towards the floor as members of the public filed pastHowever, Andrew —
    despite having served in the Falklands War — wore only a morning
    suit, having been banned from wearing uniform on public occasions
    following his exile from public life amid the fallout from his role in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

    The Duke of York will only be permitted to appear in military dress during a second Vigil of the Princes in Westminster Hall.The tradition has been honoured since the death
    of King George V in 1936, with Princess Anne
    today becoming the first female royal to take part.The Queen Consort and Countess of Wessex sat on seats opposite the
    coffin while the vigil, which began at at 7.46pm and finished
    it at 7.56pm, took place in the ancient cathedral.

    The Archers have been completing 20-minute periods of
    standing guard at the coffin, which will remain at St Giles’ for
    24 hours before it is taken to London to lie in state.Members of the crowd cheered as Charles arrived at the
    cathedral, and as he departed.
    As he drove past them, they took pictures and
    video and said: ‘Here he is. Here he is. It’s the King.’


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    كه والدين ؛ فرصت را غنيمت شمارند و واقعيت ها را
    براي او توضيح دهند. اين در حالي است كه بيشتر والدين تنها به طور غريزي به
    تربيت كودكان خود مي پردازند و هيچ آموزش يا مطالعه
    اي در اين زمينه ندارند. براي رفع اين كمبود، كارهاي
    بسيار زياد و عميقي لازم است تا پاسخگوي
    مشكلات روزمره كودكان و نوجوانان باشد.

    همواره از سلامت روان کودک خود
    اطمینان داشته باشید و برای آن هزینه کنید.

    نوع تغذیه، داروهای مصرفی، بررسی سلامت جسمی و رشد، سلامت
    دهان و دندان، همه از مسائلی هستند که باید
    تحت نظر پزشک متخصص کودک بررسی شده تا سلامت
    جسمی کودکتان تضمین شود. آرامش بیشتر شما در زمینه تربیت
    فرزندتان و جلوگیری از حوادث ناگوار
    خانگی می شود. صد‌ها هزار بازی ایرانی و خارجی دیتادار یا بدون دیتا را با ترافیک نیم‌بها نصب
    کنید و به سادگی خرید درون‌ برنامه‌ای انجام دهید.
    بازار مجهز به سپر امنیت است که برنامه‌ها را توسط آنتی ویروس‌ها
    بررسی کرده و به محض شناسایی برنامه‌ی
    مخرب، به کاربر اعلام می‌کند که آن برنامه
    را از دستگاه خود پاک کند.

    امري است كه بدون شك در بين
    تمام انسانها وجود دارد مي توان از
    حس غرور مثبت كودك استفاده كرد مثلا به او گفت كه من مطمئنم كه تو مي تواني نماز
    بخواني. در اين روش از داستان انبيا و ائمه بخصوص دوران طفوليت امام حسن (ع) و امام حسين (ع) استفاده مي شود.
    آنچه در اين نوشتار خواهد آمد، نگاهي بسيار كوتاه به ديدگاه هاي سنت اسلامي در زمينه تعليم و تربيت است.

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    از هزینه‌های تزریقات، پرستاری، فیزیوتراپی و … در منزل
    توسط بیمه فرد پرداخت می‌شود.
    مطمئنا مراجعه به بخش اورژانس بیمارستان و ویزیت پزشک پس از
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    کیفیت در ارائه خدمت باعث
    شده که درصد بالایی از کارفرمایان از آسانیسم رضایت داشته باشند و ما را به اقوام و دوستان خود معرفی نمایند که این باعث افتخار ماست.

    هنگامی که شما برای مراقبت از عزیزان خود پرستار استخدام می‌کنید؛ باید به معتمد بودن او توجه
    داشته باشید. پرستار باید بتواند به خوبی
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    در حالی که سالمند عزیزتان ممکن است با پذیرش نیاز به مراقبت در
    منزل دست و پنجه نرم می‌کند،
    مهم است که در این زمینه به آنها کمک کنید.
    امکان دارد که متوجه شوید که آنها در انجام رسیدگی و مراقبت از خود دچار مشکل
    شده‌اند و یا فقط به چهره دوستانه‌ا‌ی نیاز دارند تا در طول روز با آنها صحبت کند.
    ایده انتقالشان به خانه سالمندان ممکن است
    همزمان آنها و شما را تحت تأثیر قرار دهد.
    بسیاری از سالمندان می‌خواهند در خانه بمانند
    و خدمات مراقبت ویژه ما می‌تواند به آنها کمک کند که در آسایش خانه
    خود و با آرامش خاطر، کمک‌های
    شخصی دریافت کنند. پلتفرم خدمات پرستاری آسانیسم با همکاری
    با پرسنل متخصص و متعهد آماده خدمت رسانی به شما عزیزان است.

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    از رابطه از شما این درخواست رو داره
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    شما باید مرز مشخصی در رابطه داشته باشید
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    به سخنان او در رابطه با آنچه که در زندگی خود
    به آن فکر می کند، برایش رویاپردازی کرده
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    متعدد نشان داده اند دخترانی که پیوندهای محکمی با پدر خود دارند، از منافع بسیار زیادی بهره مند هستند.
    از همان لحظه تولد و به دنیا آمدن دختران کوچک، پدران نقش
    اساسی در رشد روانشناختی دخترانشان دارند.
    در حقیقت، وقتی پدرها در زندگی دختران خود حضور دارند، این فرشته های کوچک
    با داشتن حسی سالم نسبت به آنچه که هستند، بزرگ می شوند.

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    Under Chinese President Xi Jinping, civil society movements, an emergent independent media and academic freedoms have been all but
    destroyed Human rights activist Charles remembers a time when civil society was blossoming
    in China, and he could dedicate his time to helping improve the lives of people struggling in blue-collar jobs. Now,
    10 years into President Xi Jinping’s rule, community organisations such as
    Charles’s have been dismantled and hopes of a rebirth crushed. Charles
    has fled China and several of his activist friends are in jail. «After 2015, the whole of civil society began to collapse and become fragmented,» he told AFP, using a pseudonym for safety reasons. Xi, on the brink of securing
    a third term at the apex of the world’s most populous country, has overseen a decade in which civil society movements, an emergent
    independent media and academic freedoms have been all but destroyed. As Xi sought to eliminate any threats to
    the Communist Party, many non-governmental organisation workers, rights
    lawyers and activists were threatened, jailed or exiled. AFP interviewed
    eight Chinese activists and intellectuals who described the collapse of civil society under Xi, though
    a few remain determined to keep working despite the risks. Some face harassment from security officers who summon them weekly
    for questioning, while others cannot publish under their own names. «My colleagues and I have frequently experienced interrogations lasting over 24 hours,» an LGBTQ rights NGO worker told AFP on condition of anonymity,
    adding that psychological trauma from the repeated
    questioning has compounded his woes. «We’ve become more and more incapable, regardless of whether it’s from a financial or operational perspective, or on a personal level.» — ‘709
    crackdown’ — The collapse of China’s civil society has been a long
    process riddled with obstacles for activists. Li Wenzu had her head shaved
    in 2018 to protest the detention of her husband and human rights
    lawyer Wang Quanzhang In 2015, more than 300 lawyers and rights defenders were arrested in a sweep named the «709 crackdown» after
    the date it was launched — July 9. Many lawyers remained behind bars or under surveillance for years,
    while others were disbarred, according to rights groups. Another watershed moment was
    the adoption in 2016 of the so-called foreign NGO law, which imposed restrictions and gave
    police wide-ranging powers over overseas NGOs operating in the country. «In 2014, we could unfurl protest banners, conduct scientific fieldwork and collaborate with Chinese media to expose environmental abuses,» an environmental
    NGO worker told AFP on condition of anonymity for fear of
    reprisal. «Now we must report to the police before we do anything. Each project must be in cooperation with a government department that feels more like a supervisory committee.» — Zero-tolerance
    — Today’s landscape is markedly different from even a few
    years ago, when civil society groups were able to operate in the relatively permissive climate that started under previous president
    Hu Jintao. «At universities, several LGBTQ and gender-focused groups sprung up around 2015,» said Carl, an LGBTQ youth
    group member, although he felt a «tightening pressure». By 2018,
    the government’s zero-tolerance of activism came to a head with the authorities suppressing a budding #MeToo feminist movement and arresting dozens of student activists. «Activities quietly permitted before were banned, while ideological work like political education classes ramped up», said
    Carl. In July 2022, Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University handed two students official
    warnings for distributing rainbow flags, while
    dozens of LGBTQ student groups’ social media pages were blocked. —
    ‘Like grains of corn’ — Another harbinger of regression was a 2013 internal Party communique that banned advocating what was described as Western liberal values, such as
    constitutional democracy and press freedom. «It treated these ideologies as hostile, whereas in the 1980s we could discuss them and publish books about them,» said Gao Yu, a Beijing-based
    independent journalist who was either in prison or under house arrest between 2014 and 2020 for allegedly leaking the document.
    «In a normal society, intellectuals can question the government’s mistakes. Otherwise… isn’t this the same as in the Mao era?»
    he asked, referring to Communist China’s founder Mao Zedong. Now, 78-year-old Gao endures social media surveillance, has virtually no income and is blocked from
    overseas calls or gathering with friends. «We are all like grains of corn ground down by the village millstone,»
    she said. Replacing Gao and her peers are celebrity academics who parrot hawkish nationalist ideology, while others have been forced out of
    their positions or endure classroom surveillance from students. «A kind of tattle-tale culture has flourished in China’s intellectual realm over the past decade,» said Wu Qiang, a former Tsinghua political science professor and Party critic. «Students have become censors reviewing their professor’s every sentence, instead of learning through mutual discussion.» — ‘Unwinnable war’ — Faced with
    the increasingly harsh climate, many activists have either fled
    China or put their work on hold. Only a handful persevere, despite growing hostility including
    online bullying. «Perhaps right now we are at the bottom of a valley… but people are still tirelessly speaking out,» said Feng Yuan,
    founder of gender rights group Equity. For others, like the environmental organisation worker, it is an «unwinnable war» against nationalist trolls
    who claim all NGO staff are «anti-China and brainwashed by the West». «It makes me feel like all my efforts have been wasted,» they
    said. Charles’s friends, #MeToo advocate Huang Xueqin and labour activist Wang Jianbing, have been detained without
    trial for over a year on subversion charges. He believes authorities viewed
    their gatherings of young activists as a threat — and the
    threshold for prosecution is getting lower. «The government is now targeting individuals who do small-scale, subtle, low-key activism,» he said. «They have made sure there is no new generation of activists.»

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    Finding the right balance of CBD and THC is key to keeping your anxiety in check when using cannabis.
    It’s impossible to know if CBD was the key factor in any of these changes.

    Those two changes made me feel like I was recovering better from training,
    which led to being more eager to train, and feeling better while doing so.

    «One of the intricacies of CBD is that effective dosing can be much different between two people,» Lopez says.
    In addition to how to take CBD-tincture, gel, topical cream, drink powder-there are the matters of how
    much and when.

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    Most people think of delta-9 when talking about THC.
    You may not have heard of it, but delta-8 THC is a double bond isomer of the more common delta-9 THC.
    Delta-9 THC is responsible for the strong psychoactive high you get after consuming cannabis.
    The hippocampus also contains a high density of CB1 receptors.
    It’s this arrangement that means they interact differently with the
    endocannabinoid system’s receptors. It’s all fun and games until someone gets freezer burn! After
    being stored there, it is slowly released back into
    the rest of the body, and thus takes a long time before it’s
    eliminated from the body.7 That is why drug tests can detect THC or its metabolites long after someone is actually impaired by the substance.

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    Room-temperature conversion. THCA also converts to THC when stored at room temperature
    for a long enough time. It also contributes to temperature
    regulation by osmosis. However, if you’ve never tried edibles before, you haven’t had a lot of experience with cannabis generally, or
    you have a high sensitivity to THC, you’ll want to ease
    into it. To reap the benefits of this, though, you want to read the packaging closely.

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  2589. cbd
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    Some states, including Colorado, North Dakota, and Washington, have passed laws banning the
    «conversion» of cannabinoids, which makes most delta 9 THC products illegal.
    Like cannabinoids, certain terpenes can mitigate or enhance
    the way THC interacts with our bodies. However, keep in mind that vaping
    higher than 205oC (4010F) destabilizes terpenes
    and creates benzene — a known carcinogen. However, CBD is a potent CYP2C19 inhibitor.
    Because CBD gummies are taken orally and digested in the stomach, all variables such as metabolism, weight,
    diet, and age can affect the time it takes for CBD gummies to function. New York
    University public health professor Ray Niaura said the spate of lung
    illnesses means «it is unlikely it is e-cigarettes that have been on the market for a long time» unless «something was either changed or a new product was introduced into marketplaces.»
    Niaura also supports vaping for smoking cessation by adults if
    the proper safeguards are in place for the products.
    Traditional hemp, grown for mass market products such
    as textiles and bioplastics, has a planting rate of 400,000
    per acre (roughly 100 plants/square meter), and is drilled in like wheat.
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